Becoming a client and managing your account information.

Do I need to have a validated account to order?

Yes, you need to have a business customer account before you can order on this website. You can request such an account through this website by registering yourself. Fine Dining &Living will validate your request. After that, you can start ordering online.

On the next screen, you can register your application as a new customer by filling in the form and clicking on the "create account" button.

You will then be contacted personally by the Key Account Manager responsible for your industry and region.

He or she will check whether you do indeed qualify as a professional customer and on what conditions you can order.

Only business customers such as catering resellers, hospitality businesses and retailers can order via this website.

Private customers and the self-employed or SMEs are happy will be referred to our wide network of retailers and catering distributors. For volume purchases - think corporate gifts - a business partnership with SMEs is of course possible.

If you can indeed become a customer, your account will be set up and you can then order via this website, but equally through your key account manager or contact by mail or phone our experienced customer service team.

How can I change my password?

If you have forgotten your password, simply click on "password forgotten" on the login page. You will then receive an e-mail that will allow you to set a new password.

How can I log in on this website?

First of all, you need to have a validated customer account. If you do not have one, you need to register first.

Do you have a validated customer account? Then click on the account icon at the top right. 


Next, enter your login details.

Where can I find an overview of my previous orders?

If you are not logged in, you must log in first.
Once you are logged in, you can click on the account icon again and then choose "My orders" from the dropdown menu.

Then the panel opens with an overview of your pending orders. So these are orders that are still open, or for which certain order lines are still open. 

This table contains:

  1. The order number of each order
  2. The status of each open order. Open orders are any orders that still have open order lines on them. 
  3. The order date
  4. The shipping address
  5. The total amount of the order
  6. A link to the overview of all order lines
  7. A link to the PDF document with the order summary
Orders overzichtOrders overzicht

How can I add a new or additional shipping address?

First of all, you must have a customer account and be logged in.

Once logged in, you can click on the account icon again and then choose "Address Book" from the dropdown menu.


Once you are in your address book, you will see your default billing and delivery address.

You can click the "Add new address" button at the bottom right to add an address using a short form. Once you have done so, you can select this new address when completing an online order. This address will be kept in your account.