Quick Order .

This "Quick Order" page provides you with 3 methods to add products to you shopping cart in a userfriendly manner.

Firstly, you can search for products in the search bar by typing for example part of the SKU or part of the collection name. As soon as the desired products are shown as search result, you can click "add" to insert them in your quick order list. Don't worry about the exact order quantities as this will be shown in the next step. In this quick order screen you can select the quantity and add them to the cart.

As a second option to add multiple products at scale into your shopping cart is to paste a list of sku’s in the Enter multiple SKU(s) bar, followed by a comma and a number of the desired quantities. Also here: if you insert quantities that do not comply with the quantity incements for that item, it will be solved afterwards.

The last option is to upload a prepared xml- or csv-file with Sku’s and quantities of which you can download a simple template.

When youre quick order list is complete, you can press the "add to cart" button. If, in the previous step, you've added invalid quantities, or products that are not available, you'll see messages to alert you so you can alter the list accordingly. With a corrected quick order list, you can again click on "add to cart" in order to move these items in the desired quantities to your shopping cart.

If you have any issues with this tool, don't hesitate to get in touch.

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